What We Do

Like minded folks working together wherever possible to the mutual value of each other in both directions. It is like a family, which means not perfect, but a group of people who share common goals, and relationships that supersede daily business

Anteris Alliance puts on Trigger’d annually, currently held in Barnwell, SC each March to get your products/services tangibly in front of buyers, media, and consumers.

The network supports the network. This simple concept means many other companies are making referrals to your brand and looking for opportunities to growth the entire network – why? – because you are doing the same for them! 

Stronger Together

Work to get to know the collective within the Alliance family and take time at events and daily business to reach out to each other and build relationships.

We will take time in our daily grind, as we go, to think about who in the Alliance family may benefit from a new piece of knowledge, a new contact, or a new opportunity.

Seek ways to assist each other, cross promote, cross market, and generate a word of mouth engine for the whole of the Alliance family that truly drives the best possible sales program that has always existed – word of mouth!

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